The Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MoHE) had introduced tourism
and hospitality courses into the Malaysian Polytechnic education
programme. The Diploma in Tourism Management programmed is designed to
educate and equip the students with comprehensive knowledge and skills
in related fields of tourism industry such as in travel and tour
operations, event management, recreation tourism, front office
operation, visitor interpretative services, global distribution system,
recreational tourism, guiding techniques, event operations and
management, and technology in tourism are also emphasized to support
creative thinking.
Department of Tourism and Hospitality (JPH) were introduced in November 2010 at the Politeknik Muadzam Shah, Pahang with the first student’s intake on June 2011 session. This diploma programme over six semesters covers a spectrum of applied competencies and abilities associated with the industry at the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled levels of employment. In addition, this programme also incorporates hands-on and experiential learning, and six months of structured industrial training experience that will prepare the students to acquire workplace competencies and related academic education, as well as enable them to enter and function effectively in the labour market immediately upon graduation.
Department of Tourism and Hospitality (JPH) were introduced in November 2010 at the Politeknik Muadzam Shah, Pahang with the first student’s intake on June 2011 session. This diploma programme over six semesters covers a spectrum of applied competencies and abilities associated with the industry at the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled levels of employment. In addition, this programme also incorporates hands-on and experiential learning, and six months of structured industrial training experience that will prepare the students to acquire workplace competencies and related academic education, as well as enable them to enter and function effectively in the labour market immediately upon graduation.
Upon completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge and skills to meet industrial requirements and adapt to challenges and changes within the hospitality industry.
2. Simulate entrepreneur traits and practice effective leadership skills in any tourism establishment.
3. Anticipate, analyze and solve problem for decision making aware of social responsibilities and always ready to contribute to the community.
4. Plan, organize, implement and conduct events on a given task and analyze the outcome.
5. Recognize the needs to continuously nurture intellectual and professional growth through lifelong learning activities.
6. Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks requirement in any tourism and hospitality activities.
7. Apply and adapt professionalism, communicate effectively, deliver quality customer service and practice good values.
8. Aware of social responsibilities and always ready to contribute to the community.
Upon completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge and skills to meet industrial requirements and adapt to challenges and changes within the hospitality industry.
2. Simulate entrepreneur traits and practice effective leadership skills in any tourism establishment.
3. Anticipate, analyze and solve problem for decision making aware of social responsibilities and always ready to contribute to the community.
4. Plan, organize, implement and conduct events on a given task and analyze the outcome.
5. Recognize the needs to continuously nurture intellectual and professional growth through lifelong learning activities.
6. Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks requirement in any tourism and hospitality activities.
7. Apply and adapt professionalism, communicate effectively, deliver quality customer service and practice good values.
8. Aware of social responsibilities and always ready to contribute to the community.